In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Opening prayer:

“Come sweet Spiriti who sanctifies
and purify our hearts.
Send Mary, the Spring of Holy Oil, into the world with Your Fire
May all peoples be wrapped up in her mantle!”

“Handmaid of God,
blessed and Gracious Immaculate Woman,
peacemaker amidst the storms
in tranquillity eternal prayer.
Most Holy Mary, Woman of the Eternal Bread,
make us levitate in Love!
O Woman and Mother of mercy
awaken in us a spirit of humility.
O grace, O joy, O glory of the people of Israel,
Most brave and pure Woman
in you eternal surrender.
Mother of the Word of God, sweetest song,
dawn of our days of full sunset.
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
Hail Queen, Mother of Love!”

  • Virgin of the Eucharist
  • Intercede for us and for the whole world!


“…Come and be closer to Me, stopping in prayer: with a prayer made with the heart; with a prayer full of faith; with a prayer that knows no end…” (23.06.98)

“…The means to be in communion with God and to dialogue with him always remains prayer which makes you little children who listen eternally” (23.10.99)

O Virgin of the Eucharist, teach us to pray, open our hearts to the regenerating action of the Holy Spirit and accompany us to Jesus in the Eucharist, unloved Love. Increase our faith in Him, our desire to love and serve Him, our attachment to prayer and let us embody the Work of Love. Make us docile and obedient to your teachings so that we may become the reflection of Your eyes with which you look at the whole world. Amen.


Praying the Rosary of Tears


Opening prayer:

“Come sweet Spiriti who sanctifies
and purify our hearts.
Send Mary, the Spring of Holy Oil, into the world with Your Fire
May all peoples be wrapped up in her mantle!”

“Handmaid of God,
blessed and Gracious Immaculate Woman,
peacemaker amidst the storms
in tranquillity eternal prayer.
Most Holy Mary, Woman of the Eternal Bread,
make us levitate in Love!
O Woman and Mother of mercy
awaken in us a spirit of humility.
O grace, O joy, O glory of the people of Israel,
Most brave and pure Woman
in you eternal surrender.
Mother of the Word of God, sweetest song,
dawn of our days of full sunset.
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
Hail Queen, Mother of Love!”

  • Virgin of the Eucharist
  • Intercede for us and for the whole world!

“May the Eucharist once again be adored, loved, and repaired!” (25.3.1999)

“Hearts and nations await to receive the true spirit of Reparation which inevitably leads to the adoration of the Living God who works in the Eucharist…” (23.5.2001)

Sweet Heart of Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, give us the Spirit of adoration and perfect reparation towards Your Son Jesus. Show us that same Spirit that made You Mother of the Word so that we too, like You, can be mothers, tabernacles, and living temples where we can give birth, rest, and adoration to Jesus and bring Him to our brothers.
Today through you, Holy Mother, we want to visit Jesus and reach all the tabernacles of the earth where He is abandoned. We want to prostrate ourselves, with all our being before His kingship, and before such a great and immense gift of Love, we want to adore Him and repair Him for all the profanations, outrages and irreverence He undergoes. We want to console His most lovable Heart and through your intercession, through the title of Virgin of the Eucharist, we want to offer him our heart, our will, our yes for the salvation of our souls and that of our brothers. Amen.


Praying the Rosary of Tears


Opening prayer:

“Come sweet Spiriti who sanctifies
and purify our hearts.
Send Mary, the Spring of Holy Oil, into the world with Your Fire
May all peoples be wrapped up in her mantle!”

“Handmaid of God,
blessed and Gracious Immaculate Woman,
peacemaker amidst the storms
in tranquillity eternal prayer.
Most Holy Mary, Woman of the Eternal Bread,
make us levitate in Love!
O Woman and Mother of mercy
awaken in us a spirit of humility.
O grace, O joy, O glory of the people of Israel,
Most brave and pure Woman
in you eternal surrender.
Mother of the Word of God, sweetest song,
dawn of our days of full sunset.
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
Hail Queen, Mother of Love!”

  • Virgin of the Eucharist
  • Intercede for us and for the whole world!

“…I desire Consecration to My Immaculate Heart, fountain of Peace, Spring of Holy Oil.engrave these Words of Mine forever and pray them every time you address Me. O Immaculate Heart, Mother of My Lord, Spring of Holy Oil of Everlasting Anointing I, a great sinner, ask of You: show me Your secret and consecrate me to You today…”. (Night between 30th April 1st May 1995)

“I invite you once again to offer yourselves right away so that the world may know that you belong to Me” (10/23/2000)

O dear Mother, what great mystery does Your Immaculate Heart hide? What immense love can it give to its children? Show us your “secret” Mary, let us savor the infinite sweetness of your motherly love which encloses the Father’s Love. You who are the mediatrix of all graces, You who are the Coredemptrix of mankind, you are our mother! Who will we go to when our tired bodies seek rest? When our misery makes us hit rock bottom? Who would we go to if you weren’t here?
Accept the consecration of our heart that we want to offer You daily to renew our act of abandonment to You.
Show us the way forward to reach Jesus and do not let go of our hand until we are safe in Your arms. Amen.


Praying the Rosary of Tears


Opening prayer:

“Come sweet Spiriti who sanctifies
and purify our hearts.
Send Mary, the Spring of Holy Oil, into the world with Your Fire
May all peoples be wrapped up in her mantle!”

“Handmaid of God,
blessed and Gracious Immaculate Woman,
peacemaker amidst the storms
in tranquillity eternal prayer.
Most Holy Mary, Woman of the Eternal Bread,
make us levitate in Love!
O Woman and Mother of mercy
awaken in us a spirit of humility.
O grace, O joy, O glory of the people of Israel,
Most brave and pure Woman
in you eternal surrender.
Mother of the Word of God, sweetest song,
dawn of our days of full sunset.
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
Hail Queen, Mother of Love!”

  • Virgin of the Eucharist
  • Intercede for us and for the whole world!

“…This oil which I, Most Holy Virgin of the Blessed Olive Tree, Queen of Universal Peace, have poured out, has been a luminous gift from My Son, so that this precious element may be re-evaluated in the life of the Sacraments. Oil: balm and unction…” (23-24.05.1995)

“I announced to you that My Oil would be spread everywhere, but today I tell you that My people will be consoled by the Confirmation that will come from it” (23.10.2005)

Holy Mother, what an immense gift the Lord has given us by giving you to us as the Source of Holy Oil of Everlasting Anointing, an inexhaustible source of graces and blessings. Allow us, oh Mother, to experience, through the anointing, the tenderness of your Heart, the sweetness of your kiss, the infinity of your love”. “Touch us”, “love us” and “heal our hearts” as only you can do, “in your own way and with your love”.
May your blessed oil, a source of light and hope, reach the deepest layers of our heart to heal and heal us in body and spirit.
Reach, through our poor hands, all your distant children and let us praise and bless you today and always… Amen.


Praying the Rosary of Tears


Opening prayer:

“Come sweet Spiriti who sanctifies
and purify our hearts.
Send Mary, the Spring of Holy Oil, into the world with Your Fire
May all peoples be wrapped up in her mantle!”

“Handmaid of God,
blessed and Gracious Immaculate Woman,
peacemaker amidst the storms
in tranquillity eternal prayer.
Most Holy Mary, Woman of the Eternal Bread,
make us levitate in Love!
O Woman and Mother of mercy
awaken in us a spirit of humility.
O grace, O joy, O glory of the people of Israel,
Most brave and pure Woman
in you eternal surrender.
Mother of the Word of God, sweetest song,
dawn of our days of full sunset.
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
Hail Queen, Mother of Love!”

  • Virgin of the Eucharist
  • Intercede for us and for the whole world!

“Stay in front of the picture of My Mother and yours and wait by praying. I, the Christ, say to you: let Her communicate with you and you will be enraptured. Look at Her Heart in which My Heart lives, oh, how I long that yours too would live in Hers, so great! Look at Her, look at Her carefully, since it is not only a human painting: in it is the living Treasure of treasures, Flower of flowers, Queen of queens. Gaze and gaze again at Her noble face in which Her saddest glance is all for you! Guard this gift from Heaven jealously” (15.10.1995)

Pausing in front of your image oh Mary, Mother of God and our sweetest mother, we are enraptured by your loving gaze. Our hearts get lost in it and are attracted more and more by your immaculate heart which shows us your Son Jesus present and working in the Most Holy Eucharist!
Make us fall in love with Him more and more, Holy Virgin, so that only in you and in your Jesus can our souls live and nothing may separate us from you anymore. We are all yours oh Maria and we want to belong to you. Amen.


Praying the Rosary of Tears


Opening prayer:

“Come sweet Spiriti who sanctifies
and purify our hearts.
Send Mary, the Spring of Holy Oil, into the world with Your Fire
May all peoples be wrapped up in her mantle!”

“Handmaid of God,
blessed and Gracious Immaculate Woman,
peacemaker amidst the storms
in tranquillity eternal prayer.
Most Holy Mary, Woman of the Eternal Bread,
make us levitate in Love!
O Woman and Mother of mercy
awaken in us a spirit of humility.
O grace, O joy, O glory of the people of Israel,
Most brave and pure Woman
in you eternal surrender.
Mother of the Word of God, sweetest song,
dawn of our days of full sunset.
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
Hail Queen, Mother of Love!”

  • Virgin of the Eucharist
  • Intercede for us and for the whole world!

“I am your Mother Coredemptrix, Heart of Jesus’ rest, the Virgin of the Eucharist, and today I ask you to give God the Father, through the most loving and sweet Heart of His Son, prayers and penance for your nation!” (23.6.1999)

“Join My prayer and implore the Coredemptrix of the human race to give graces and benefits in the hearts of those children who have knocked on your door” (3.03.1999)

Oh Virgin of the Eucharist, with the title of “Coredemptrix” you presented yourself to us because you want to grant our pleas and requests, allowing every grace given to us by Jesus to enjoy your intercession. You are the heart of your Son’s rest, but also the rest of our heart, you are the source of peace and of our joy. Allow us oh mother to thank you with the offering of ourselves so that your Most Holy Hearts may find rest in us. Amen.


Praying the Rosary of Tears


Opening prayer:

“Come sweet Spiriti who sanctifies
and purify our hearts.
Send Mary, the Spring of Holy Oil, into the world with Your Fire
May all peoples be wrapped up in her mantle!”

“Handmaid of God,
blessed and Gracious Immaculate Woman,
peacemaker amidst the storms
in tranquillity eternal prayer.
Most Holy Mary, Woman of the Eternal Bread,
make us levitate in Love!
O Woman and Mother of mercy
awaken in us a spirit of humility.
O grace, O joy, O glory of the people of Israel,
Most brave and pure Woman
in you eternal surrender.
Mother of the Word of God, sweetest song,
dawn of our days of full sunset.
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
Hail Queen, Mother of Love!”

  • Virgin of the Eucharist
  • Intercede for us and for the whole world!

“…My devotion to the Tears will save the world… It is the devotion that will save Italy from the great spiritual decline! Today the world no longer gives importance to the Eucharist and its worship, but I say to you: the Eucharist and My tears will save the world from a great catastrophe…” (Night from 5- 6 June 1997)

“…I would like the tears, shed for this apostate humanity to be meditated upon, prayed and dried only with oblation and prayer…” (5.08.1994)

O Most Holy Virgin, you who came to the land of Manduria as Virgin of the Eucharist showed us the pain that has filled your sweet face with tears. Tears of blood and oil as a sign of life and belonging to Jesus through you.
We therefore thank you because through them you show us the devotion to your tears, a strong and powerful prayer that encloses a promise: to save our poor Italy and the whole world from a great spiritual catastrophe.
More than ever it is clear today how much the enemy is fighting to plunge souls into despair, but we, together with you, gather around your beloved rosary in memory of your tears so that we may win this battle.
So today we want to meditate, pray and dry your tears so that your promise may be fulfilled. Accept our sufferings, oh Mother, and unite them together with yours so that we may soon enjoy your triumph!


Praying the Rosary of Tears


Opening prayer:

“Come sweet Spiriti who sanctifies
and purify our hearts.
Send Mary, the Spring of Holy Oil, into the world with Your Fire
May all peoples be wrapped up in her mantle!”

“Handmaid of God,
blessed and Gracious Immaculate Woman,
peacemaker amidst the storms
in tranquillity eternal prayer.
Most Holy Mary, Woman of the Eternal Bread,
make us levitate in Love!
O Woman and Mother of mercy
awaken in us a spirit of humility.
O grace, O joy, O glory of the people of Israel,
Most brave and pure Woman
in you eternal surrender.
Mother of the Word of God, sweetest song,
dawn of our days of full sunset.
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
Hail Queen, Mother of Love!”

  • Virgin of the Eucharist
  • Intercede for us and for the whole world!

You have been given an announcement that is for families, because by making the “Virgin of the Eucharist” reign in them, they will experience harmony and peace. (23.3.2001)

I thank you with My blessing, because, according to My design, the Army of conversion and reparation will come true with the consequence of the multiplication of prayerful and ardent Hearths, through which My ancient adversary will be made powerless. (8.12.1999)

Virgin of the Eucharist, look with maternal goodness on our families who long to follow you in your message of Eucharistic Reparation. You are the Queen of our domestic hearths which you love to lead in order to bring us to Jesus. You know how many difficulties we have to overcome in order to make ourselves available, with a sincere heart, to live your messages. Visit, O Queen of Peace, all the families affected by division, violence, resentment, pride and let them rediscover Christ as the Bridegroom among bridegrooms.
Guard and protect from the snares of the devil all the prayer hearths dedicated to you together with Saint Joseph and Saint Joan of Arc who you have placed as protector. We thank you because you arouse in us the ardent desire to keep alive these “fires of love” that you have lit in the world and let them blaze more and more until they merge with the immense Love of God so that we may be “one heart and one soul”. Amen.


Praying the Rosary of Tears


Opening prayer:

“Come sweet Spiriti who sanctifies
and purify our hearts.
Send Mary, the Spring of Holy Oil, into the world with Your Fire
May all peoples be wrapped up in her mantle!”

“Handmaid of God,
blessed and Gracious Immaculate Woman,
peacemaker amidst the storms
in tranquillity eternal prayer.
Most Holy Mary, Woman of the Eternal Bread,
make us levitate in Love!
O Woman and Mother of mercy
awaken in us a spirit of humility.
O grace, O joy, O glory of the people of Israel,
Most brave and pure Woman
in you eternal surrender.
Mother of the Word of God, sweetest song,
dawn of our days of full sunset.
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
Hail Queen, Mother of Love!”

  • Virgin of the Eucharist
  • Intercede for us and for the whole world!

“I invite you to bring My maternal call to scattered souls and in a particular way to priests whom I look upon with great predilection” (23.3.1999)

“Forgive and pray for My sons, the Priests. Be beside them as I am beside you” (23.11.1999)

“Fast for priests but I don’t want you to judge them!” (23.10.2000)

Oh Virgin of the Eucharist, Mother of your consecrated children, spread your maternal mantle over all the priests of the world. Restore and comfort the hearts of those who are zealous in following you to repair the Eucharistic Heart of your divine Son and place your sweet hand on the hearts of those who have fallen into the prevailing secularism so that they may rediscover the warmth of the first heartbeat for Jesus. You who are the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, let us soon breathe a new springtime in the Church of Christ. Amen.


Praying the Rosary of Tears

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